Friday, July 27, 2012

Regaining control

Today at work we were talking about how easy it is for your house to get to that point where you feel as though you have lost all sense of control. Maybe it starts with a stray toy being left in the middle of the living room and before you know it there are Cheerios between your toes and your kids have named the dust bunnies in the corner. I swear this happens in a matter of 23 minutes. We desperately try to stay on top of everything, but every once and awhile, you need to re-baseline and take things by the reigns.

I was looking through the recipes section of the blog today and realized that we have quite the collection of recipes in our rotation. There must be at least 50 recipes posted, this gives us a lot of options when it comes to dinner planning. Since we do have so many recipes, I am going to take this opportunity to start recycling some recipes for a few weeks as a way to help me move my recipes to my new site.

I originally intended to slowly move my recipes over in addition to adding the new recipes for the week. Please refer to the above paragraph while I go retrieve the 3 day old Cheerios from Ellie's pincer grasp. Simply put, I don't have much more time than I am currently devoting to spend on the blog! Over the next few weeks I will finally regain control over my blog and will shift all my recipes to the Recipefy site. I am psyched and hope you enjoy the finished product!

The recipes I will call into play this week are:


Cajun Red Beans and Rice

Cheddar Burgers with Red Onion Jam (aka: Michelle's Birthday burgers...we had them on my birthday again last Monday!), and finally,

Cheesy Potato Soup with Ham Sandwiches.